Internet Porn Addiction
Although hotly debated in both academic and public forums, Internet Pornography Addiction (IPA) is a very real problem, often quite different from traditional Sex Addiction. IMHO, the leading website on the topic is Your Brain On Porn. They have compiled a huge list of the literally hundreds of academic articles that investigate the problem of both porn addiction and internet addiction. Other sites that offer useful information on the topic are Fight The New Drug and Porn Harms.
Here is an interesting YouTube video that offers a concise and understandable explanation of the medical/neurobiological components of Internet Pornography Addiction.
There is a BBC Channel 4 documentary called Porn on the Brain that offers an in-depth exploration into todays world of Internet pornography and how it affects the compulsive viewers. (Note that the online viewing link is intermittently unavailable).
Internet-based self-help/community resources:
Reboot Nation - In their own words, "We help people reboot their brains with encouragement and education. Reboot is a complete rest from artificial sexual stimulation (i.e. pornography). We are a community of people who have discovered the negative effects of pornography. If you or loved ones struggle with porn addiction and/or porn-induced sexual dysfunctions, this place is for you! On this site you will find many resources and information to equip you with the tools necessary to start recovering today and become more aware of the potential harm caused by high-speed internet porn."
NoFap - In their own words, "NoFap® hosts challenges in which participants abstain from pornography or masturbation for a period of time. This website is also a venue for open discussion of the NoFap experience and related issues. Whether your goal is casual participation in a NoFap week or monthly challenge as a test of self-control, or whether excessive masturbation or pornography has become a problem in your life and you want to quit for a longer period of time, you will find a supportive community and plenty of resources here.
NoFap on Reddit - Another popular NoFap community.
Porn Addiction; an equal opportunity problem
Porn addiction can affect anyone. Anyone. It’s time to shed the stigma that its only a problem for losers hidden away in a dark room. To help shed that stigma, here are two ultra successful men who have come forward and admitted their problems: Chris Rock and Terry Crews:
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